Nice Slide Broham

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20,875 Views 9 years ago Funny

I do like the part where he starts to speed up, and then loses control of the bike. That has to be a rookie mistake right there. I was hoping for a bit more carnage not just a ride on a big ... Show more

  • anomalous June 13, 2015

    @realtalks That was exactly my thought. Dumbass trying to show off doing burnouts doesn't realize he's riding on a wore out tire....dipshit. He deserved it.

  • darkmadness June 12, 2015

    Haha rookie, Never speed up on painted road markings while raining, and don't use front brake during rain, Also that white little rocks and sand on roads around a corner is bullshit, Fall your ass off.

  • breakfastblunt June 12, 2015

    @truckingman ha it's cool bro

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