Alcohol and katanas do not mix

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Big Jeff
28,388 Views 9 years ago Drink & Drugs

Alcohol and katanas do not mix...obviously. Who in their right mind would let a drunk man swing a sword inches from your face? Obviously stupid people like split nose Steven over here. A Dar... Show more

  • dracos June 23, 2015

    he can pick his friends but not his nose

  •   maddog123 June 23, 2015

    And third don't let any one rub there sausage near your face it will spit in your eyes and drive you bat shit

  •   happyjack June 22, 2015

    He deserved it. First off never put a whole hotdog, sausage, or any penis shaped meat into your mouth under any circumstances. Put it on a plate cut it up and eat it with a fork, toothpick, etc. . Secondly never let someone swing a sharp object near you for any reason.

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