It's been a while since I put up a fight video, and this one has all the makings for a good fight video. Public Transportation? Check. Brothers? Check. Shit talking? Check. Knock out? Check....It's been a while since I put up a fight video, and this one has all the makings for a good fight video. Public Transportation? Check. Brothers? Check. Shit talking? Check. Knock out? Check. Tadah, we have ourselves a good fight video! Man he looked like he was about to do something right up until he got a can of ass whooping. Then it was time to sit down and think about what he had done.
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I blame the Africans for selling the African slaves to the British people that took this land from the American Indians.This whole country is based on greedy people.But know it is a great place to live in.Racial tension will always exist as long as ignorant asshole races are brainwashed at childhood.
Black on Black crime # 1097987
I blame the Africans for selling the African slaves to the British people that took this land from the American Indians.This whole country is based on greedy people.But know it is a great place to live in.Racial tension will always exist as long as ignorant asshole races are brainwashed at childhood.