Drunk dad id no match for no bullshit coach

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Big Jeff
31,973 Views 9 years ago Fights

So the drunk dad goes up to this coach pissed off about his daughter being cut from the team. From what it seems the dad should have just took it as a loss, and improve from there. Instead y... Show more

  •   pdx2002 July 22, 2015

    Can't wait for the follow up lawsuit vid.

  •   happyjack July 20, 2015

    @Scottishtits, I was just simply clearing up a factual error. But anyway this is crazy shit. What you guys see on the news isn't really representative of our nation as a whole. For instance the US has approximately 35,000,000 black citizens. Now how many rioters were in Ferguson, MO?? Maybe 5,000 I don't know, anyway with those numbers approximately .000143 % of the black population was rioting. It's not representative of our nation as a whole. It's a story for the news media to well, make money with.... Don't believe everything you see on TV, numbers don't lie, but the media will always spin the story or event to look worse than it is.

  • handsomedevil July 20, 2015

    old bastard fights as well as ouch fights off 3 pound cock

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