Drone with a Gun

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28,715 Views 9 years ago Bad Ass Shit

It's official, I want one of these. Not only that, but it's also official. We are doomed as a race, machines will soon be taking over. I'm just saying, I really hope they like crazyshit.com,... Show more

  •   dozer67 July 24, 2015

    that is super cool just needs to find a way to handle the recoil little better maybe a rudder? But genius love it next on my list.

  • analkinglostpw July 22, 2015

    Hey, motherfuckers!!! is it a new CS trend to post videos in stacking mode? As the above "motherfucker jap into the cage with the bear playing rubick's cube" video replayed three times, this one is twice played. Are you lacking in playtime??

  • basset3 July 21, 2015

    Just a matter of time until ISIS uses one of these against the USA. Bring it on, motherfucker....I need some skeet practice anyway.

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