Bro You are Ruining the Shot

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48,947 Views 9 years ago Random Nudity

What the fuck bro, can't you see I got this hot chick that I am trying to get naked so I can sell this video online? Come on, help a brother out. And it doesn't help that you have circled th... Show more

  • xizang July 22, 2015

    Is it just me or is she incredibly cute?

  • xizang July 22, 2015

    Hey guys! Don't let me or my bike bother you. In fact, if you need some help rubbing that, I'll be glad to do my share...

  •   big_daddy305 July 22, 2015

    Oh, my bad for riding my fucking bike down a public street while you and this super hot degenerate film her playing with herself.. actually.. can I get a copy of that?

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