Washing My Snakes

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20,642 Views 9 years ago Animals

Don't mind this guy, he's just taking a bath with his snakes. Snakes get dirty and you need to wash them. Did I mention they are cobras? Can I get a cobra to bite someone in the fucking eye?... Show more

  • meatsaw12345 January 11, 2019

    That tub would be over flowing with shit. I remember our neighbor Mr. Donald, he had a pet snake that lived in his pants he would let us kids go to his secret snake charming room and let us take turns trying to catch it, I never caught it but I went over there one Saturday morning and Mr. Jerry was there and he caught it in his mouth!

  • cellule October 31, 2015

    Usually you must kill the snakes before using them as swim-aids.

  • vulture October 28, 2015

    @truckingman...that's 2 of us that follow viperkeeper at CS...Elvis is great can't wait to see him in his new home

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