No idea what set off Mr. VW Bug but damn that dude was pissed. So pissed that he broke out a golf club and smashed the dude's windshield. Maybe he was pissed he has a diesel VW, or maybe he ...No idea what set off Mr. VW Bug but damn that dude was pissed. So pissed that he broke out a golf club and smashed the dude's windshield. Maybe he was pissed he has a diesel VW, or maybe he was pissed he has to drive that Bug. All I know is he was pissed.
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P.S.: That's whut ya get to be a stupidly honking, big mouthed, hysterical squarehead. (country don't really matter's)
He should pull out an AK 47 from trunk and make clean table at the scene.
Can't see shit now.