Aren't you suppose to say four first?

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Big Jeff
20,014 Views 9 years ago Drink & Drugs

I'm not a golfer, and I don't know much of the sport. There are a few things I do know though, mostly from cartoons, and that is you have to scream four before you swing that thing around.

  • oneofakind November 4, 2015

    Damn, at first i was like "Shit, just reached the end of new posts", then I realized it was BigJeff uploading, and I smiled browsing for other new stuff

  •   big_daddy305 November 1, 2015

    Luden, I was going to say the same thing. It's not FOUR.. It's FORE. Golfers use this term when they hit a ball in the general direction of others (Usually by mistake) as a warning.

  •   picklehiesner November 1, 2015

    Whatever I said the other day

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