Running from Cops to Next Level

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24,440 Views 9 years ago Police

Dude, you are a true American hero. Fuck running from the cops like normal people do, you jump roof top from roof top. I would say the police should let you go, because you made it. Just wat... Show more

  •   happyjack November 18, 2015

    Oops you "interpreted" amongst other typos I see. Typing on my phone lol

  •   happyjack November 18, 2015

    @sbohica the fact that you interrupted his comment differently is fine too. But for me I considered the source. I've heard the guy say nigger, gook, etc over the years so that's why I said his "reputation precedes him". If the Truckingman would have made the same comment I wouldn't have read it the same. You have to consider the source. But the main thing here is to ask crazyvet what he meant by his comment. If you made the same comment I would assume you were thought it was a black person too, based on your use of porch monkey, etc.. Not a big deal either way, his comment wasn't earth moving either way. But let's not pretend like this website doesn't have a black bashing tone to it. It simply does, not a big deal but let's not put our heads in the sand and pretend like it doesn't exist. I have the choice to participate here and I chose to do so despite that tone.

  •   dozer67 November 18, 2015

    You know if these "people" wanna act like monkeys, treat them like ones,use hunting riffles or crossbows to stop them.

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