They Took His Phone

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David G.
25,962 Views 9 years ago Funny

That's some fucked up shit when somebody steals your phone and use it to record themselves whooping your ass. I hope these motherfuckers end up on a video getting some street justice. Show more

  •   ouch December 4, 2015

    @crazyvet Oh you can Say Cracker and kill whitey and FWP but oh no if the "N" word get used, you know the drill! We sa gonna RIOT! you're all racist! Blar Blar Blar half a fucking page later and double standards ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz it's a word. Bottom line is that is has to be funny so say the N words here so Just go lol at the then of it and you're good to go lol.....Their coming right for us BANG BANG BANG!

  • joedumber December 4, 2015

    yeah its a jugle out there.......wherever there's not a white neighboorhood.

  • assmasterson December 3, 2015

    First and only State's exhibit at their assault trial. Dumbasses.

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