Week In Crazyshit: 2nd Week In January

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31,540 Views 9 years ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

Hey fuckers, It's been a strange week at crazyshit and you can blame that weirdo Dave G. for that. Maybe he had one too many tacos who knows. This week's WICS you can thank outotown for thou... Show more

  • outotown January 9, 2016

    Thanks guys. @poida You should send in suggestions for WICS, you seem to make the cut most weeks. I would appreciate the input. Anyone else who wishes to contribute please do. If any one person does it all the time, I can see it getting stale. I'm just a fellow shitter like you all--not an employee--any help or direction would be appreciated.

  •   ouch January 9, 2016

    @poida dude when I did the WICS you were in it more times than not lol and that's why I gave you a VIP.

  • poida January 9, 2016

    Neg me all you want, but the WICS is not funny any more. Yes it is witty, but not funny. i used to comment as massiveballs, and then as poida, basically because when CS changed the format, i forgot my password (LOL) The peanut gallery has become a place where friends clic, and that is the reason i dont bother to comment anymore .good luck to the regulars, keep the shit going. As an regular guy, i will keep trying to be funny, but as a white christian european i might be at a disadvange

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