Two For Tuesday: Good Cop Bad Cop

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David G.
27,243 Views 9 years ago Police

No fuckers I can't count. There are three clips instead of two. First cop is one motherfuckin bad ass. He stops a robbery bare hands no gun shots needed while under cover. Second cop is a fu... Show more

  • captianchaoz February 9, 2016

    I'd just walk right behind the robber and shoot him point blank. Just plain simple, and saves tax payers money.

  •   oldrooster January 27, 2016

    First cop is a BAMF. Second cop, I'm on the fence with this one. I really got the feeling that he was genuinely remorseful for having accidentally shot the biker. Yes, he should be held accountable for his actions but it was an accident. The same kind of thing happens in war with friendly fire. The third cop is just an asshole because his dick is so small he could fuck a cheerio and not break it. I'm glad the guy sued him.

  • ozzi January 27, 2016

    Sure the biker was a douchebag. But god damn! That copper is in queue for a fucking heart attack! woosaaahh motherfucker!

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