Most Interesting Accident Ever

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David G.
21,948 Views 8 years ago Accidents

Whole lot of wtf is going on here. A man holding on for life on a hood of a car that ends up crashing into a cop. How do things even escalate his far damn.

  •   airsporter April 24, 2016

    British Jihadists aren't what they used to be.

    He was just taking his mate round the corner In Rochdale after shagging a White 12 year old - Known to Social Services..

    And then some fukkin badly parked police car knocks his Council Taxi Badge off!

  • sokonomi February 19, 2016

    Weird shit happens when your camel suddenly has a brake pedal.

  • rodeye2 January 31, 2016

    When a raghead hires a wetback to fix your wipers gone bad.

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