Thug Punches Sweetest Cashier Ever

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David G.
32,015 Views 9 years ago Funny

This almost made me feel sad. This thug comes in to the phone store and she couldn't have been sweeter to her customer. He pays her back by punching her in the face and robbing her. If I wer... Show more

  • gashsmasher January 11, 2017

    Hey black people, this is why white people enjoy shooting you.

    Pro tip: get a job, don't have unprotected sex before you're married, and don't take things that don't belong to you and, if you really want to fit in with the rest of us, take some remedial English.

  • haxan666 February 9, 2016

    OP wrote, "I put the punch in slow motion at the end of the video so I could fap to it.".. NIIIIIIICE!!

  • haxan666 February 9, 2016

    Initiating a Klingon Mating Ritual..

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