Tuck and roll dumbass

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Big Jeff
18,421 Views 9 years ago Funny

What a stupid cunt. I almost wish he would have beat her as bad as she'll tell everyone he did for that stupid shit

  • computerguyken January 16, 2024

    Maybe she didn't want to fart in the car.

  • rodeye2 February 13, 2016

    First dates suck.

  •   big_daddy305 February 7, 2016

    It's not kidnapping if you're arguing with someone and they want to get out of the car. You're holding someone against their will, but it's not kidnapping. Clearly the bitch is mentally unstable and he was just trying to make sure she got home safely. And it's also clear that they're in some sort of a relationship. He doesn't have to stop the car for her. Especially if he fears for her safety. And if she really wanted to get out, she could've waited for a red light. If I was him, I'd go to the police before she does and show them the video. I'd explain the situation and then she would be arrested when she goes to file a false police report.

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