Hey everybody! This was a rough week for me and a rough week in the PG. Funny was hard to find. There were a couple of posts that really got under people skin. Contrary to some people's thin...Hey everybody! This was a rough week for me and a rough week in the PG. Funny was hard to find. There were a couple of posts that really got under people skin. Contrary to some people's thinking I guess the pg cares about some people. --outotown
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@allcaps hey gutless come into the forums like a big boy, others are waiting for you in the fight thread, I'll let them pick you apart before I swoop in and skull FUCK the corpse and pick my teeth with the bones
@ouch im glad im just deveopmentally disabled...i tell you what bunnny boy you win first prize and take the cake...you keep on with your dick sucking cronies and you will do fine with your ego
1@ouch im glad you spent so much time on me..what a fuckin douche..didnt read a word you said...and you make a fool of yourself whenever you say somthing..past comments are proof enough to see your ignant babble ways...or did i spells thats wong
@allcaps hey gutless come into the forums like a big boy, others are waiting for you in the fight thread, I'll let them pick you apart before I swoop in and skull FUCK the corpse and pick my teeth with the bones
@ouch im glad im just deveopmentally disabled...i tell you what bunnny boy you win first prize and take the cake...you keep on with your dick sucking cronies and you will do fine with your ego
1@ouch im glad you spent so much time on me..what a fuckin douche..didnt read a word you said...and you make a fool of yourself whenever you say somthing..past comments are proof enough to see your ignant babble ways...or did i spells thats wong