So a thief hits up a craigslist ad for some jordans. He shows up with the money and a gun to take the money and the shoes. Well it turns out you should only try to jack people when they don'...So a thief hits up a craigslist ad for some jordans. He shows up with the money and a gun to take the money and the shoes. Well it turns out you should only try to jack people when they don't have their vehicle in drive.
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somebody pop the hood and unplug the battery for fucks sake. Or pull out the fucking fuse! and to me, that looks like a perfectly good hand and finger prints to get into mischief.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Honk at them wake em up. Derp.
@nybadguy um i hope they didnt slap to hard he only has one wrist left!
somebody pop the hood and unplug the battery for fucks sake. Or pull out the fucking fuse! and to me, that looks like a perfectly good hand and finger prints to get into mischief.