Jordans cost thief a arm and a leg

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Big Jeff
23,339 Views 8 years ago Accidents

So a thief hits up a craigslist ad for some jordans. He shows up with the money and a gun to take the money and the shoes. Well it turns out you should only try to jack people when they don'... Show more

  • mr.voorhees March 25, 2017

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Honk at them wake em up. Derp.

  •   rockinron February 16, 2016

    @nybadguy um i hope they didnt slap to hard he only has one wrist left!

  • ozzi February 16, 2016

    somebody pop the hood and unplug the battery for fucks sake. Or pull out the fucking fuse! and to me, that looks like a perfectly good hand and finger prints to get into mischief.

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