She's Going To Get Pissed

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David G.
39,744 Views 8 years ago WTF

She's going to get pissed. Or maybe just pissed on at least. I haven't drank enough vodka today to understand Russian. I can't tell if she knows this guy is pissing on her giving her a golde... Show more

  • china_mike November 28, 2016

    I am not sure the woman ever understood what was happening at first. And then after several seconds, she did, but felt scared to react, as she was surrounded by a bunch of Russian punk-ass boys. Poor girl. I know there is a lot of shit on this site I see and it's bad, but this one is right up there with some of the worst of it. I got real Russian friends. Would like to get them together and go round up these punk ass bitches and hold them down and pee in their open mouths.

  • lilsuz March 10, 2016

    I always thought I'd rather be pissed on then spit on. After watching this ~ I don't know....

  •   rockinron February 25, 2016

    i bet she was really pissed when she finally realised what he did!

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