Weed For The Homeless

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David G.
24,076 Views 8 years ago Bad Ass Shit

Everyone goes around and gives the homeless loose change. Not these guys they give them what they really want. Which is weed, beer and something for the munchies. Now if they could get a hoo... Show more

  •   rockinron March 11, 2016

    must be trying to get people to vote for sanders and his free shit idea.

  • mykejp March 11, 2016

    He's going to need something stronger than weed, like heroin.

  •   maddog123 March 11, 2016

    @happyjack no there smart I know lots of people worked till they had nothing to give anymore and they didn't even get a thank you for those forty fifty years of hard work so more power to them hell your working one day you taxes should keep these guys going once they are to old to beg!? Oh and I see your buddy Carson finally come around and joined a real team but I still think trump will fuck it up so Hillary will move on in the shit house the trumps and Clinton's have been close friends for years so Im guessing Carson will fucked out again unless he would like to be hillarys butler boy.

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