Venezuelan Bus Thief In Hot Situation

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David G.
41,906 Views 9 years ago Extreme Content

This thief in Venezuela decided to try and steal a bus and got instant street justice. I thought this sort of thing only happened on Brazil. What is wrong with him though He's just sitting t... Show more

  • blowsmoke March 17, 2019

    Does being on fire make you stupid? I'm so confused as to why people just lay there and take it they don't try to take the buring hat off their head... remove the clothing that it burning.... roll around on the ground.. or ANYTHING that you would imagine you'd do if on fire...

    So I'm truly curious as to what happens metnally to a burn victim..... does their adrenaline just shut down all instinct?

    is it that the fight or flight reaction kicks in and the flgiht wins out so you just run and don't think to actually try putting it out?

    I honestly don't understand.

  • aynrant March 14, 2016

    stop, drop, and roll, son!

  • kingjoa March 12, 2016

    you have'nt reincarnated yet you already cry like a goat

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