Girl Penetrated By Horny Beast

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David G.
36,302 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Why is she just standing there while a bull just tries to impale her with his horns? Move or do something something instead of just laying there frozen stiff like a bored housewife during se... Show more

  • targetman March 16, 2016

    That's right girlie............just stand there............stupid fucking cow.....................

  •   rockinron March 16, 2016

    and everyone please notice the difference in time stamps from my post above sbohicas. the time stamp is proof that sbohica has several user names and accounts. there is no way that 4 people negged me and then suddenly 4 people plused him all in a matter of 16 minutes. SO THIS PROVES HE HAS ATLEAST 4 ACCOUNTS ON HERE. SORRY CLOSET FAIRY YOU JUST GOT BUSTED!!!

  •   rockinron March 16, 2016

    @sbohica dude i really missed you raging on me, but for gods fucking sake will you learn to fucking anunciate and spell!!!

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