I've seen some pretty nice bitch slaps before but nothing like this. I'm trying to think of the last time I bitch slapped somebody and I can't remember. I prefer to punch but after seeing th...I've seen some pretty nice bitch slaps before but nothing like this. I'm trying to think of the last time I bitch slapped somebody and I can't remember. I prefer to punch but after seeing these vids bitch slapping looks kind of fun.
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Boomoh baboomoh lolalaloo bahbomo!! Lahbahbololoh bohbah!! Bolobamo lobao lobobah! Oboloma olob ohbomabaloba!
@joedumber you lost me there. Who negged our peace treaty? How can you neg a peace treaty?
@happyjack how thou the tettas biguns, least the behold the fo tune forever one go, shalt thou arriv ano ter