Murdered & Castrated

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David G.
49,270 Views 8 years ago Extreme Content

Man that is one one fucked up to way. Cut open from the stomach and gutted. Shot in the head and to top it off his dick halfway cut off.

  • lilsuz April 18, 2016

    @wardo56 You could purchase a dildo and write 'My Own Dick' on it and there ya go....

  • lilsuz April 18, 2016

    What the fuck did he do to warrant this abuse?! Geeeezzz

  •   rockinron April 10, 2016

    @happyjack wow the phantasys you and your butt buddy sbohica come up with. i swear you must be twelve with the tactics you use to try and insult me. its laughable. either that or you really are stupid and think being an elected official can only make you a congressmen. you and the cum sucker should get together sometime and masterbate each other while hating out loud on me or other people who lived more successful lives than you. i am almost sure you two are democrats or at the very least libtards. please do everyone a favor and learn how to insult people like an adult would and not like a 8th grader does. and as always ....fuck you

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