Friday Fails: Stupid Fails

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David G.
22,316 Views 8 years ago Fail

Just a few random clips. A bull falling over trying to have sex. A parkour fail. People doing dumb things and an ackbar missile having short range and premature detonation.

  •   happyjack April 22, 2016

    Oiooh a clue to deep cover "Gay Squirrel's" identity. Here's what we know so far. His breathing tells us that he's grossly over weight, he used to give bj's at silver lake san dunnes, and he's either an ex city council member or ex city janitor ....... The quest to unmask Gay Squirrel continues......

  •   rockinron April 22, 2016

    hey that white truck jump was at silver lake sand dunes here in michigan. my old stomping grounds when i was younger. place was a fuckin blast. to bad for the truck i do believe it's fucked.

  •   truckingman April 22, 2016

    First, a case of premature ejaculation? Second, Jenga is always a MF" BITCH to play. Third, you need to jump a little higher and stop "following up" your friends... Fourth, NEVER JUMP OVER A CHAIN BEARER, YOU WILL ONLY KILL YOURSELF IN THE END!!! Fifth MOTHER FUCKING SHIT, Always triple cheek your chock holds as you clime!!!!!!!!!!!! Sixth, I do not know what to say about that situation... Seventh, you could have stopped or slowed down and swerved around the bike cyclists you MF" ASSHOLIC SH#T... Eighth did you not see the MF" TREE? Ninety, if it runs and gets you to where you need to be locales, it will MF" work for me even though it is a Piece of SHIT...... Tenth OH SHIT, Are you ok? Eleventh, they caught too much MOTHER FUCKING AIR!!! Twelfth WHICH MANUFACTURER MADE THE FUEL GRAINS FOR YOU ROCKET MOTOR? You might what to return it because IT WAS MOTHER FUCKING UNDER POWERED BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LMMF"AO at the last clip,

    Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

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