People on two wheels are fun to watch especially when they're trying to show off and end up hurting themselves. Doesn't matter if its a hover board, bike, motorcycle people will find a way t...People on two wheels are fun to watch especially when they're trying to show off and end up hurting themselves. Doesn't matter if its a hover board, bike, motorcycle people will find a way to end up in a painful fail.
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First, you leaned to far to your right DUMBA$$... ALSO MF" WHY RIDE YOUR CROTCH ROCKET BAKWARDS? Second, I do not think Hover Boards where made to do Skateboard tricks. You might need your cocis readjusted, BITCH...... Third, he Definitely needs to have his MF" COCCYX READJUSTED!!!!!! Fourth does he have a case of MF" BLACK AND BLUE BALLS??? Fifth, you should water that face plant. It could regrow your deviated septum. Sixth what is their new nickname? Is it "Skid Face?" Seventh WHY THE MF" FUCK WOULD IN THEIR MF" RIGHT MF" MIND PUT A MF" HURDLE IN THE MF" MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE? Eighth, Ma’am may you should have slowed down for the jump. Ninth, you should have built up some more speed before you hit the MF" jump. Tenth, WHY THE MF" FUCK ARE YOU JUMPING A RAIL TO A FIVE FOOT DROP??? YOU CRAZY MOTHER F§ΔKER......
First, you leaned to far to your right DUMBA$$... ALSO MF" WHY RIDE YOUR CROTCH ROCKET BAKWARDS? Second, I do not think Hover Boards where made to do Skateboard tricks. You might need your cocis readjusted, BITCH...... Third, he Definitely needs to have his MF" COCCYX READJUSTED!!!!!! Fourth does he have a case of MF" BLACK AND BLUE BALLS??? Fifth, you should water that face plant. It could regrow your deviated septum. Sixth what is their new nickname? Is it "Skid Face?" Seventh WHY THE MF" FUCK WOULD IN THEIR MF" RIGHT MF" MIND PUT A MF" HURDLE IN THE MF" MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE? Eighth, Ma’am may you should have slowed down for the jump. Ninth, you should have built up some more speed before you hit the MF" jump. Tenth, WHY THE MF" FUCK ARE YOU JUMPING A RAIL TO A FIVE FOOT DROP??? YOU CRAZY MOTHER F§ΔKER......
Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
that video made my bones ache