This Weeks Accidents

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David G.
22,455 Views 8 years ago Accidents

Short compilation of these weeks accidents including a helicopter rotor hitting power lines and crashing. Russians crashing over a bridge falling into a river. An 18 wheeler truck rolling ov... Show more

  • cellule May 15, 2016

    This never happens to a Ford owner: it's hard to smash your vehicule when it's at the garage being fixed..again.

  •   truckingman May 13, 2016

    First, excuse me sir, it seems that your can corners like it is on rails; also, do you need a paddle? Second who is at fault? Third, SPEED MOTHER FUCKIN" KILLS!!! Fourth, you should NEVER PASS ANY OTHER VEHICLES WHEN IT IS SNOWING, FOGGY, RAINING, AND ETC OUTSIDE UNLESS YOU WANT TO MOTHER FUCKIN" DIE BITCH!!!!!! Fifth, the semi suffered a load shift. I do not know if the trucker did not secure their load correctly, or the load just spontaneously shifted. Sixth is the land the accident took place the slow lane? Seventh, POWER LINES ARE A MOTHER FUCKIN" BITCH TO SEE IN CLOUDY CONDITIONS AT HIGH MOTHER FUCKIN" ALTITUDES ON SNOWY MONTAINS...... Eighth WHAT IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BLUE MOTHER FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE.......... Did everyone involved in this MOTHER FUCKING ACCIDENT SURVIVE??????


    the truckingman.

  •   fistermister May 13, 2016

    How was your weekend? ;Ask me one more question and I'll bust your skull!

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