Why you shouldn't smoke in bed

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Big Jeff
40,028 Views 8 years ago Extreme Content

They always have the stop smoking ads talking about house fires and dangers of smoking in beds. They need to include a video of this with those.

  • vee3030 July 7, 2021


  • lovescreampies83 November 30, 2019

    Towel head sleep over.

  •   ouch May 30, 2016

    @sbohica Please don't misinterpreted my text back and forth to you as a admission of any Nerve you may have touched, You give yourself way to much credit. I am just sitting here bored because I had finished work early and I have been MIA from this site for a while. I mealy pointed out in my absence how pathetic this site has become with the kindergarten crap that is typed. Just because you type it here or you think it in your paranoid little brain of yours does not make it so. However I do enjoy watching you spin like a toddler whose mummy wont buy him that lolly that someone has place conveniently at the register on the way out the door of the $3 shop you just bought your new dippers(huggies)from. No nerve was touched here, No Mission Accomplished was achieved (were you standing on the deck of a ballet ship holding your megaphone mic ass backwards when you screamed that out loud?) It just amazes me to see the same old shit day in day out on every post spew forth thinking it some how justifies it in to becoming true. I mean really fucker you have to have more in your life that this? lol Ahhh I miss this sometimes but then I realise that without me doing what I do for CS this site is nothing for I am legend hear me ROAR and you are nothing but that NAT at a cook out, Grill, BBQ or what ever the fuck you call it in that ass backwards land of the not so free to even scratch your own ass with out your social group having a 3 year debate on the implement you are allowed to use to scratch said Batt cheek. Ah it is really pathetic around here as per fucking usual with out Me. Regards "Ouch" your true saviour and Gallant knight upon the back of his trusty steed, galloping in to save the day. I bid you adieu. lol Now that was fun :) fuck all ya all Crazy Crackers Pow-pOw-poW!

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