Inmate Forced To Eat Dead Friend's Finger

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David G.
49,900 Views 8 years ago Extreme Content

This guy was being tortured in prison. His buddy got killed and they forced him to eat his friend's fingers. His spirits are still up there they ask him if it's delicious and he says yes.

  • kingjoa June 1, 2016

    stage 1: Melting Plastic Rain - passed score 3stars!

    stage 2: Eating Friend's finger - passed score 3stars!

    stage 3: Melting Plastic Rain again.. hehehe

  • xizang May 31, 2016

    Finger or penis, it wouldn't be so bad if they washed it first. And maybe a little salt and pepper would be appreciated.

  • tbcxtc May 31, 2016

    no hot sauce or anything? i wish i knew what they saying, it looks brutal

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