Not so hard to follow a police officer's orders and last thing you want to do is try to reach for his gun or it will be last thing you do. Just task this guy.
@vatican this guy wasn't a registered gun owner, he was a felon who wasn't supposed to have a gun. I'm not absolving the police of any wrong doing here, they may have whole point is if he doesn't fight the cops he probably doesn't get shot. Now we can talk about this newest cop involved shooting differently.....
@vulture yep i totally agree but that would never happen cops do this shit all the time and get away with it
@vatican this guy wasn't a registered gun owner, he was a felon who wasn't supposed to have a gun. I'm not absolving the police of any wrong doing here, they may have whole point is if he doesn't fight the cops he probably doesn't get shot. Now we can talk about this newest cop involved shooting differently.....
^^^^^@vaticanvomit, I agree.