Friday Fails: Silly Drivers

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David G.
24,225 Views 8 years ago Fail

Idiot drives his car into a house and Some Asians on a moped giving us some tongue in cheek comedy as always

  •   airsporter July 16, 2016

    Engine tikky tikky no twisty handle!

  • craigtl1000r July 16, 2016

    @breakfastblunt. Its not cutting lanes brother, it's filtering & is perfectly legal, Ime a car driver to & I don't just open my door without checking my mirror, nor do I just open my car door in static traffic. IDE be to busy jerking off.

  • breakfastblunt July 15, 2016

    Never understood even when cutting lanes on a bike or moped is legal, why people are comfortable enough to trust their lives in a strangers hand.

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