Friday Fails Woops

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David G.
23,472 Views 8 years ago Fail

Friday fails includes batman blowing up his face, an atv jumping over house, some faceplants, some drifting saudis, guy shoots a duck and catches it

  • woodchipper30 September 10, 2016


  •   maddog123 September 9, 2016

    Many many years ago I left home had my on place I was 17

    Worked at a store sacking shit getting paid shit!! All went to rent so it left very little left to live on! And this old man I knew said he would sell me five rabbits cleaned to five dollars? So I lived on rabbit for about a year! Then one day I dropped by bills house to buy some more butcherd, rabbit and bill went there so I struck up a conversation with Carroll his neighbor and one of her cats jumps in my lap and she says yeah I had at one time thirty cats but they have all disappeared???????? And so has all of the other people around here cats?????? Even some dogs FUCK!!!!!!!!!!?????????? I FUCKING ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT SOME OF THOSE RABBITS THOSE DARK MEAT ONES!?!? I got the hell out of there! Moved back to good old mom and pops place and haven't worked since!!! Well not for a fucking Jew anyway fuck rabbits and fuck cats now you no why I hate them!!!! But they did taste good yeah boy!

  •   picklehiesner September 9, 2016

    That rabbit reminds me of a younger me

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