Riots going on in Charlotte and black lives matter is attacking random white people even a homeless guy was kicked down. I believe if the mass media didn't stir the pot we could all get alon...Riots going on in Charlotte and black lives matter is attacking random white people even a homeless guy was kicked down. I believe if the mass media didn't stir the pot we could all get along
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Carry concealed. Grab yourself a Phlster Enigma with the sport band and a G43X with a Trijicon RMRcc. Certified spook popper.
Porch Monkeys, Can't fight for shit. That's why attack 10 on 1. I carry my 40 Cal. on my hip 24/7. I will dust any Spook that fucks with me !
i had fun attacking whites in the end of the day yall are pussies and we we do what we want to you all
are scared and get your asses beat