You hard left and hard right wingers are comical. You act as if the POTUS has any power... Their figure heads. They dont create laws. Everyone put your energy into the Congress and who the "people" let dominate. Every POTUS has taken on the mistakes and fortunes of the previous regime. FDR was the last that actually did anything. Raise your kids properly, take care of your family.... Everything will b good.
Katy perrys new song is da bomb
You hard left and hard right wingers are comical. You act as if the POTUS has any power... Their figure heads. They dont create laws. Everyone put your energy into the Congress and who the "people" let dominate. Every POTUS has taken on the mistakes and fortunes of the previous regime. FDR was the last that actually did anything. Raise your kids properly, take care of your family.... Everything will b good.
@lonniems Idiotic, shit skinned mooslimes - and the people Obama and Hillary support....