And this is glad I'm smart enough to realize: these guys do this for a living. So I'm polite as hell, and if someone with me is asked to roll out, we grab 'im by scruff and drag his ass out.
Cause, seriously: these guys do this shit for a living.
Also why am glad I'm a short, small guy. I KNOW they could fuck me up :D And, am smart enough to know I ain't standin' a chance
Since when is saying "i played hockey for 15 years" supposed to be a threat?
And this is glad I'm smart enough to realize: these guys do this for a living. So I'm polite as hell, and if someone with me is asked to roll out, we grab 'im by scruff and drag his ass out.
Cause, seriously: these guys do this shit for a living.
Also why am glad I'm a short, small guy. I KNOW they could fuck me up :D And, am smart enough to know I ain't standin' a chance
That last body slam was awesome/brutal!