Week in Crazy Shit: February 3rd

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56,800 Views 7 years ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

Special thanks to Ouch!

  • deythb April 3, 2023

    Whats with the hospital fucking too much high cost rents?

  • poekey_hoitz February 7, 2017


    That was good. I miss the WICS videos.

    I'm not about to post anything because frankly.

    A. I don't think anyone on here would understand body modification other then saying negative shit about how fucked up it is. And frankly. I'm not about to show personal art to a bunch of assholes. Or.

    B. I'm not posting videos of me doing anything illegal. With the internet now and BigBrother watching everything. I'm not going back to jail to entertain a bunch of assholes either.

    I'm kind of torn. Under different circumstances. I wouldn't say we'd be friends. But we'd probably be able to get along. Now I feel like I can't hate on you anymore.

    Good show.

  • sleeko February 6, 2017

    In the beginning, is that the guy that fucked up CS?

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