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kungfubeaner User Avatar
56,201 Views 7 years ago Fights

Alot going on here, a fight between an Asian couple and an Amazonian transgender woman, and a purse even gets stolen in the middle of it all but in the end kung fu is just no match for the p... Show more

  • frank n. stein November 9, 2017

    Stupid little Asian, Ay Suk Yu, was losing & going back for more!

  • stinkyuser April 10, 2017

    TRANNYs and asians are physically weaker.

  • putrifaction April 9, 2017

    Has anyone at all noticed that there hasnt been a single unflattering video involving black people since the differing opinions on here were officially "stamped out"? Even this black man who is trying to beat up a woman is referred to in a complimentary way. I especially loved the video where the two Mexican girls were beating up a third Mexican girl, but the sound was magically scrubbed, and the video was suddenly two racists abusing a poor black person. These guys who run this site have their own little social engineering effort going on here, and no one even recognizes it.......well, almost no one.

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