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  • propaasswoopin September 12, 2023

    K1Ll every last god damned one of them. I h8 these mother fuckers.

  • tildcowscomehome February 19, 2019

    Let’s not forget. One on one. Most people will whine or cry to you and tell you “I’m done, I’m done” or “Stop” or something similar when you start fucking them up.

    No one and I mean NO ONE does it the most then black folk in America.

    Then when you give them a chance they try to sucker punch you.

    And when your stomping on their head and someone’s telling you to stop and your a monster, well fuck them too. Cause guess what you gave them a chance they fucked it up and now thier brain is fucked up.

    Cause what’s the alternative? You getting sucker punched and hitting your head on the ground maybe dying while some fucking piece of shit steals your stuff. Nah I’ll stomp heads first before that happens. Call me what you will.

  • tildcowscomehome February 19, 2019

    This scumbag should have seen the consequences of working here.

    2. He should already have seen this shit coming man. If not he’s a special kind of idiot.

    3. These barbaric bitches instantly turned violent and stupid the moment DSP Gaming told them something

    4. If it ever got that serious any and all head are rolling. I know these kind of bitches, they will try to sucker punch you or stab you or do something sneaky and shady. that’s why the exception of never hitting girls goes out the window and I’ll lay one of them bitches out cold. I don’t give a fuck. Hell I’d even kick these hoes in the head or stomp on their face , break their nose. Cuz I’ve lived around these type of people. “ what do you mean these types of people. You got me fucked up...” blah blah fucking blah. The kind of people who jump you and steal your shit. The kinds of people who will break into your house. The kinds of people who will attack your family and you. So yeah I know what the fuck I’m saying. I don’t care the color or creed. You so some ignorant or violent shit to me. I’ll fuck you up and stomp you out. And if you get me first . Shit. I hope you believe in curses mother fucker.

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