Don't Bring A Knife To A Gun Fight

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31,059 Views 1 decade ago Police
  • dec45 May 17, 2006

    I like when it's a white dude doin' somethin there's a bunch of 'american' bashing, and when a black dude does something it's 'nigger bashing'. Fuck that dumbass whiteboy, fuck those crooked ass cops who keep dumping rounds in his ass even when he's on the ground, and fuck all ya'll non-americans tryin to make it sound like there ain't no dudes throad in the head like that, or drugs that do that on ya'lls land. And fuck ya'll for not showin respect for the type of shit americans go through with these crooked ass cops.

  • frostbite July 25, 2005

    damn, Americans are loser...not to mention dumb and asses. Ofcourse the cops could have stopped him but nooooo, america thinks with the muscles not the brains. Although I do admit that it is self-defence when someone runs to you with a knife, but then again, only americans act this way...losers, pathetic losers

  • noble172 May 21, 2005

    all the canadians i know are snitches i guess it is the french coming out of them

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