WEEK IN CRAZY SHIT: 10/21/2017

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102,901 Views 7 years ago Verified User Submissions

G'day Shitters this is ouch With Cory busy as one of truckingman's Bees I thought I'd step in and make you a WICS for you bitches This week Rocked and you shitters were funny as fuck Keep on... Show more

  • otacon180 August 20, 2019

    We can't live together blacks are angry and blacks making stupid white people crazy

  • pqowieury4 September 28, 2018

    It's weird how the black guys always attack white people in groups and continue to stomp on their heads long after they've lost consciousness, while the white guys always fight one on one even when there's a group of them, and the white guys either stops once the other guy loses consciousness or has clearly lost, or his white friends tell him that's enough. What's the reason behind that pattern? I see it everywhere.

  • old fokker November 15, 2017

    I enjoyed all the efforts on this video montage.

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