360 Loop, Could You Do It?

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15,426 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This guy tries to do a loop on a skateboard and busts his shit hard.

  • belgarath February 16, 2006

    *Note to Jesse, no I don't think I could do it, butt then again, I'm not dumb enough to try. Big props to those that can though.

  • bpmolder May 29, 2005

    I doubt that happened, dbcoop, because in reality, if people saw you dying, the last thing they would want to do is call an ambulance or even do anything that would stand the remote chance of preserving your life....and please keep your stories about being pummeled by seven year olds to yourself, because no one here wants to hear of your pedophilic ways....

  • tookalook May 28, 2005

    Rocky has no freinds, homo, homo. likes a big black cock up his ass ,oh doo dah day. lmfao

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