The Trouble With Lookie Loos

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25,221 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

Usually it only takes one to two people to look at a bomb, not a whole fucking crowd. Next thing you know, BOOM!

  • microwave104 June 7, 2015

    did anyone hear that flute playing after the bomb went off? it sounded exactly like the music mr. wonka played on the gondala ride when he played the flute...maybe it wasnt a bomb but like a trial run of "exploding candy"

  • ramyel July 15, 2005

    hahahahaha i just luv this shit get him gurtman!!!!!!

  • rockybalboa July 15, 2005

    Fag? Let´s hold on for a second and read this line: "...that waas fucking awesomeeeeeeeee yepida wow ow wow mooooooooooo ha ha ha fuckity fuck." can you recognize it? NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL A GAY phrase... but not also gay... it was just PLAIN STUPID. I am starting to understand why more and more people hate northamericans. It´s because of people like you. You think the only lives that are worth a shit are those of the americans. The rest... well they can go fuck themselves off. In a certain way you remind me the germans of the WWII... but with the difference that they were hardworking and smart. And after reading your comment... I can say you don´t have any of those two important qualities for a person to be called a 'Human being'.

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