Smoke? Don't Mind If I Do!

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15,352 Views 1 decade ago

Isn’t that why there are signs that say fill up containers on the ground? But I am guilty too. I’ve filled up gas tanks from the back of my pick-up. But I’ve always been... Show more

  • bluntforce July 29, 2005

    he has the hot set up. i'll bet next time he takes the can out of the bed.

  • rockybalboa July 27, 2005

    Yes, there are signs. But there are lots of people who disobbey them. I was referring to the title of this video. BTW I don´t need to smoke shit to withstand reality... because I AM THE REALITY. ;-)

  • tumblin_dice July 27, 2005

    Hey Rocky-

    Put down the pipe dude. There was no reference to the guy smoking & it is not only prohibited but there usually are signs at the pumps aren't there? (Not doggin you, just wonderin.)

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