Why is it that I enjoy watching planes crash. For that matter, I like watching just about anything crash. To be honest, by dream job would be in demolition. Yup, I like to break shit. Well, ...Why is it that I enjoy watching planes crash. For that matter, I like watching just about anything crash. To be honest, by dream job would be in demolition. Yup, I like to break shit. Well, back to my runner up dream job.
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Archemedes, because it's an import I suggest you try Kragen or Checker auto parts. If you need electrical components you may want to check out Radio Shack. (Their kinda high on some things but where else are you gonna find a titanium cannodle valve on this side on the universe??) And if you think this place is fucked up have you checked uranus lately??
LOL tumblin.....and archimedes, i wouldnt trust bluebiggs till he learns at least 4th grade spelling...
Archemedes, because it's an import I suggest you try Kragen or Checker auto parts. If you need electrical components you may want to check out Radio Shack. (Their kinda high on some things but where else are you gonna find a titanium cannodle valve on this side on the universe??) And if you think this place is fucked up have you checked uranus lately??
yeah anyway... this took place in sweden a few years ago.. we call it the JAS 39 GRIPEN.. just a few people got hurt from that crash.