Base Jumpers are Fucking Nuts

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16,380 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

These guys have balls of fucking steel, that's for sure! I don't know about just jumping off a perfectly good ledge with rocks and boulders just feet away. Thanks but no thanks.

  • endinsight May 14, 2010

    ahh its all good guys _ racism is natural as is fear and natural grouping of likes and pushing away dislikes _ with regards to this video ive gone skydiving and had to break a rule of mine to do it as i needed a plane to get to 3000 feet and i said id never go into an airplane _ now i can say that once you experience the training and see that there are risks but precautions are taken then you are truly free to decide to act on impulse and shut off the limitation of your feared minds _ we are all weak because we haven't experienced strengthening acts of life _ for thos of us who have then you know anything is possible _ i personally had to decide its ok to die before i got into that airplane and jump but it was worth a million dollars to do it i tell u

  • mr_ant January 4, 2008

    Those guys are amazing but I would never do that.Ever. And there is no need to get racist,sirmaxwell. Come on now. I am sure there are many Whites as well as Blacks who think that base jumpers are crazy or that base jumping is not really a sport. People have a right to express their opinions without getting attacked and it is a serious failing of this site that it has allowed such a toxic racist atmosphere to exist here. Sad.

  • mr_ant January 4, 2008

    Dariddla,you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You have lowered yourself to the level of White bigots because they are usually the first ones to start the racist crap.Do not be like your enemies. Be better.

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