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crazyshit User Avatar
358,101 Views 5 years ago Bizarre
  • cameljockey June 24, 2021

    Some people are just truly plain weird and have weird hobbies. There's this whole documentary on YouTube on women fingering themselves to seeing photos of the Eiffel Tower or rubbing their clit on a pipe-organ. They claim to be born as thing-o-sexuals. Some people are straight, some are gay, some marry a tree, some jerk off to giants (whatever that means). There is probably someone in the world who gets horny by looking at jars of peanut butter in the supermarket. Others by eating a kilogram of sand. There's probably even someone stealing aborted babies to fuck. When genders are involved, hetero, gay, trans, I don't understand it all, but I get the dynamic. But once people starting jerking off to being miniature in the presence of a giant, that's just plain nuts.

  • freecitizen March 10, 2020

    More disturbing than Brutal Content.

  • 23zenden_park March 9, 2020

    Who is this girl? What's her name?

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