This is Dutch comedian Rob Muntz. Playing Hitler for a satirical program called "Waskracht" on Dutch tv channel VPRO. Quite old too: March 2000.
For more of his work: google "Rob Muntz in Waskracht" and or watch the full version on the above clip:
He did this to react against Jörg Haider ( who at the time was the leader of extreme right FPÖ and on his way to be elected as president of Austria.
"Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!"
This is Dutch comedian Rob Muntz. Playing Hitler for a satirical program called "Waskracht" on Dutch tv channel VPRO. Quite old too: March 2000.
For more of his work: google "Rob Muntz in Waskracht" and or watch the full version on the above clip:
He did this to react against Jörg Haider ( who at the time was the leader of extreme right FPÖ and on his way to be elected as president of Austria.
PMSL at those poor yids legging it from this nut-nut!