Detroit Police Raid Gone very very Wrong!

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demented88 User Avatar
11,001 Views 4 years ago User Submissions

Police mistake undercover cops as criminals!

  • dickshower April 10, 2020

    Usually the cops are shooting dogs and children. This wad a switch.

  •   ketamine<3 April 7, 2020

    Why were they fighting? The undercover cops should have just let them cuff em till they could identify them probly 10 min tops.. like they just expect a raid team to hear "it's ok we're cops like you!!" And just say "oh ok, we'll see ya later." And don't different precincts have different areas they patrol and work? Why are they both working the same house? (I think I may be wrong about that now that I'm thinking about it..)

  •   maximxj750 April 6, 2020

    Nice use of tax dollars. Dumbasses.

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