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363,401 Views 4 years ago Funny
  • aphy September 8, 2022

    The one that ask for a mask make me laugh so much ! didn' t expect that

  • darkmatter07 May 15, 2022

    When I was in college and needed money really badly I took a shitty job as a campus security guard. Well one Friday night I saw this pickup park beside the high a security building full of this high tech shit. Being in a Security mind set, I had one of the other security guards cover me while opened the door of the pickup and turn off the engine of truck and then I was going the check the building. Well as soon I opened truck door a guy jumped off a naked girl and grabbed the door and slammed it closed again. Goes to show you never park in pickup at 1:00 AM next to high security building with some fool of a Security Guard walking around. I should have noticed that windows were all streamed up but I was more concerned about preventing someone making off with stolen goods. She was pretty with nice body but he shouldn't have parked beside the Health Sciences or Biology building not the one marked Warning High Security and all lit up but maybe he just wanted a nice peak or he couldn't read.

  • zillazixxx July 24, 2020


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