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crazyshit User Avatar
223,601 Views 4 years ago Painful

INFO ON THE LAST CLIP: Earlier it was reported that an unknown LNR terrorist in Rovenki killed local “policemen” Ruslan Bikkinin and Sergey Chumakov, who were also LNR militants i... Show more

  • jps1 November 25, 2022

    Antifa freaks need to burn.Like right fucking now!!!!

  • thepunisher88 December 6, 2021

    Everyone has a map of their homeland that preserves them in their mind and heart, and this map should not be forgotten under any circumstances and kept safe. Alexander Smith.

    One of the facts that we are disorganized in our lives is that we have sudden discoveries. A.A. Milne.

  • blackyori January 26, 2021

    This would be to the trumptard making sheep noises. First it's ironic you do that when you people follow rump around like sheep so kind of self insulting . Second I wear a mask in public to protect my family from retards like her. So enjoy having your family die while mine stays safe. Less rumpers in this world is a good thing.

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